Color Modes

color modes all

Graviton has 3 main color modes and 4 debug color modes, modes that affect how the sand is visualized. These can be used to inspect sand behavior, but also to affect sand behavior. They can also provide an artistic view to how your sand moves.

Right-click the color mode button to select mode (main or debug), or Left-click to toggle the next main mode.

Motion Blur

color motion blur

This is the default graphics mode, and will render sand that has a radius larger than one as such. It will slightly blur sand as it moves.


color trace

Trace allows you to burn colors of sand to the canvas showing you the paths sand has taken over time. This can be especially beautiful with e.g. fireworks type of materials.


color pixels

Pixels is the actual representation of sand on the canvas. Where the tiny piece of sand actually resides. The entire simulation is basically just swapping pixels, thus this view can show how that looks.

Debug State

color debug state

Debug State helps you to debug the current state flags of the sand. Sand has 2 flags (and a 3rd internal one): IsMoved, and ExtraBit.

  • IsMoved: used to detect whether sand moved this frame. Red = Sand moved
  • ExtraBit: used to alter sand state (in Rule Editor). Blue = Extra bit has been set

Pink = Both moved and extra bit has been set.

Debug Velocity

color debug state

Debug Velocity helps you to see the current velocity values of sand visually. Do note that forces applied to the sand cumulate over time in velocity, thus a sand that is still can still have velocity due to e.g. Gravity.

Debug Force

color debug state

Debug Force helps you to see the current force values applied to sand visually.

Debug Density

color debug state

Debug Density helps you to detect the densities of sand visually.

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